My Maserati Does One Eighty Five…


Even if you don’t have an end date – rest assured its not as much time as you want – so up the ante, and get moving on those dreams.  Our life is now accelerated whether we want it to be or not, personally, I would vote for a much slower relaxed pace, but apparently my vote doesn’t count. Life on life’s terms, it’s a real practice – equanimity.

Our life will always be affected by the treatment schedule. Sophia is right in saying, “if Dad didn’t have cancer we certainly would have more time.” but that’s not the case, so we go on and figure out how to fit it all in.  Our family’s pace may catch you by surprise, vacations and memories squeezed in to the increasingly shorter school breaks, out for music on a week night, yoga at 5:45am, work, play, band practice, chemo, coaching, games – somehow we fit it all in, seemingly creating more hours in the day. (We actually hope it becomes contagious!)

Remember, there’s no law against accelerating. Take the opportunity to use All 12 Cylinders of that Maserati to get yourself going 80. Push that excitement, the adrenaline – balance it with the speed limit, and right there alone, you create an experience. (hopefully not one of flashing lights or handcuffs) then, once you’ve reached your thrill, or run out of gas –  rest, rinse and repeat.

Top on our list is traveling around the world. As parents we put that out there – homeschool the kids, work around the world for a year, visit friends, make friends, go surfing, do yoga, write a book, experience life – what could be better? Not impossible!  Well  – then we have the speed limit. That turns out to be the unpredictable piece, you know – when the highway ends and you come to what seems like a screeching halt, from a nice 65 to 25 in a school zone?

I was hoping February 12th was going to put me on easy street for at least six months, maybe a whole year, but no. “Let’s tie you down and throw some protons you for seven weeks.”  (Maserati screeching to a stop – flashing lights, pulled over)  World tour on hold and we’re required to land in Haddonfield. Dad has treatment. Time to reset the schedule, add in seven weeks and carry on, continuing to dream, and plan, and figure how in the heck we can actually pull this off??!!  We’re confident, that if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen for sure. It’s a good start, California, and we’re counting the days. 18 days until sunshine, warm air, friends like family, kids in teepees, waves to ride, good laughs, bright smiles, and a much needed recharge, before those protons knock me down – before this flight is grounded, just a bit.

What’s on your list? What are your dreams? Where can you let go of things that are taking up time and create more room for living? We’d love to hear all about them! If there’s anything we’ve taken from this, its the lessons of risk taking, list making and creating time and space for what we love.  Now get out there and get going – before that clock ticks on any further.
